Thanks to my friend and part time "proof-reader" Allan Yahn; he noticed an unfortunate error that occurred in the last post regarding these five wonderful photos donated for use by local photographer Linda Ryma. These photos were previously believed to be the CPR Elevators A&B at the far eastern end of Victoria Avenue.

Yes, they are elevators A&B, however they are Saskatchewan Pool 4 A&B elevators, located near the most northern end of the Elevators near the Port Arthur Shipyards.
As you will see in the following photos these are definitely one and the same Elevator that suffered an incredible explosion in September of 1952. The photo below is a coloured photo of how the elevator looked before the explosion took place. You can actually see the Letters "A" and "B" have been painted out in this photo. Look at the very first photo above to vividly see the letters as they looked in 1950.

Click on each of these three black and white photos and any of the other photos that you see on this post to see them enlarged and to compare them to the ones above. You will see that they are one and the same elevator.

The google earth photo on the right shows the Sask pool elevators in a repaired state and how they look today. The red square shows the location of Sask Pool 4 Elevators A&B and where the explosion took place. The yellow square is the Port Arthur Shipyards. The Elevator to the right of the square is presently the "Viterra" Elevator.
This is a little closer look at the last google earch photo showing its present day location. |
This is also a present day photo showing the abandoned Sask Pool 4 Elevators taken
from "Shipyard" road. |
The same photo above showing the Viterra Elevator as well. |
We are sorry for the error and again thank you to Allan Yahn for noticing the difference.
Also thanks once again to Linda Ryma for the photos and note that we believe her grandfather Alexander Walsh did work at the Saskatchewan Pool 4 A&B Elevators(the ones that did explode back in 1952) as chief electrician.
With this corrected, and with a little more time now that September is here, Hotrods and Jalopies will be able to continue with some more great stories. Thanks to everyone who watches and keeps in touch. Feel free to comment on any posts.
Thanks, Dave.