Here's a different start to a new post. I have had this collection of key tags from way back when...some of the real old ones were given to me by friends. Key tags began in 1946 when war amputees had a chance to work by producing them. In 1972 this program began to serve year-round employment for disabled staff. If a pair of keys are found with a War Amps tag, and giving them to either police or the postal service, it would allow the keys to get back to their rightful owners. War Amps report that the key service has returned more than a million sets of lost keys.
This next segment is titled "Where are they now". A friend of mine, Al Pomanti was gracious enough to give me these old receipts to look at...particularly for remembering how inexpensive things were back in the late 40's and early 50's, but mainly to find out what happened to these businesses and what is presently at their location. Thanks Al!!
The first one is Art's Service on 906 Victoria Ave. Most of these old service stations changed ownership many times during the peak "service station" era during the 1930's to the 1970's. Art's Service in particular at this address was once Kettering Brothers Garage, Darling's Service and Ray Charles Texaco to name a few.
On the Art's invoice it says "Let us Marfak your car"....this was a Texaco lubrication trademark. The photo below right is the present day address and is now Dave Knight Optical. Be sure to click on all the photos and old invoices to enlarge them!
Another multi-use facility through the years at 138 S. May St. was Walter Hewitt Motors which was a Willys Overland distributor as well as a service station. The photo shows how the property looks today and was right next door to the present day Thunder Bay museum on the corner of May and Donald Sts.
Going into West Fort William we have an invoice from Ross Service Station which was located at 200 West Gore St. The actual location with the vintage looking building still exists today as "Zimmy's".
Check out the could buy a new 600X16 tire for your old Ford for only $3.60 with your discount.
Next is an invoice from Budd's Tire and Service Station on the corner of May and Cummings St. in Fort William, Ontario. Budd's was another location that had many proprietors through the years such as Wes and Jerry's Service and Bahlieda's Shell station. This location is kitty corner to the Superior Bowling Alley. Budd's actually sold a bicycle tire for only $1.57. Today that property is totally vacant. Actually two city blocks along here are totally vacant on the west side of May Street and have become quite and eyesore as of late.
The next two invoices and locations are very interesting. The first one is "Canada Tire" from 1948 which was located at 119 S. May Street and the second is "Canadian Tire" from 1949 and was located at 126 N. May Street just a few blocks away from each other. The stores ran simultaneously but used the words Canada at one store and Canadian at the other.
It looks as though this store supplied mostly Marine products and the other was an auto parts and accessories store.
Leaney Motors Ltd's location is another empty lot today on the corner of May and Bethune St. Another multi-use property through the years. The details below will show the it was Leaney Motors for only a short period of time later to become Jessiman Motors and also Kam Motors Depot.

148-150 North May Street as it looks today on May and Bethune Sts. |
Thanks to my friend Al Yahn....he researched the Henderson directories for me to supply the following information on the property. Leaney Motors was also on 236 Van Norman Street in Port Arthur Ont. as well as the May Street address.
One Final Note: It's fun to remember when a Service Station meant "SERVICE" !