So as we start a brand new blog post months overdue, we have donated photos from Glen Kettering's album, Cindy Patton's album (Wally Prokosh's daughter) and Glenn McKinnon's photos. Thanks to all those who have taken the time to donate photos for our use. This fall and into winter we have numerous more photos and news clippings that I will share with you, both on early racing and Fort William and Port Arthur history.
To start off, the first photos are mementos of the very first Lakehead Stock Car Racing Association's program and race day which took place on October 6, 1952.
The first LSCRA program with thanks to Glen and Miriam Kettering |
The next two are Times Journal clippings of the historic event. You can vividly see the old animal barns that were at the south end of the track in turn 1 & 2.
Here is an interesting photo of the #34 Kam Motors car driven by Onorio(Canary) Trevisan and Bill Chepil. This then and now photo was taken from the original Kam Motors used car lot on Leith st facing towards the garage. It is now a taxi business.
As I drove by Current River and Current River park the other day, I was remembering The Casino Dine and Dance which was just adjacent (south of) the Current River dam which eventually burned to the ground. It was a favorite of my parents to have a nice dinner together and spend a night on the dance floor. Oddly enough it was never a real Casino. As you can see they even sponsored a stock car in about 1953.

I always like to show the close proximity of the track to where the Coliseum Building is today, and this one is no exception. With thanks to Wally Prokosh's daughter Cindy Patton we have a number of new clippings and photos which will be brought out over the coming months. In front and possibly in the last lap is #49 Conrad Trombelli just ahead of #87 Tony Massaro as they pass the gate and the Coliseum building.
This is a a very interesting photo of my hero Barry Kettering with a seriously damaged #47 car circa 1953. Barry's #47 cars were sponsored by Bud Heidrick. One day when Bud was at the shop and Barry wasn't around, roller skates were welded to the top of his car. Bud had told Barry that he would have to leave the roller skates on his car until he stopped rolling over. Obviously Barry did, lost the roller skates and went on to much bigger and better things until his very sad and untimely death years later. The red rectangle shows the roller skate on his car.
Here's a typical photo clipping from our newspapers in the day. We always had great racing coverage which made for record crowds on race days.
Another clipping from Cindy Patton to enjoy.
In 1957 Barry and Glen Kettering had built a brand new car and was dubbed #57 for the year of change. Here is Glen and Barry with their horseshoed 34 Ford coupe named Poopsie. This car went on to numerous wins for the Kettering brothers.
The last clip on this post is from Cindy as well. It was a 1958 notification that Wally Prokosh, her dad was back in the lineup with a vengeance and would also see many successful race days at the Canadian Lakehead Exhibition race track.
Hope you enjoyed this post. I've been busy working on my new hot rod project and recovering from some health issues, so if you liked this, let me know and I will get back on track on the blog and slow down somewhat on my Facebook page. Thanks, Dave