HR&J is also posting history on the Dave Cano Facebook page as well as The Canadian Lakehead Exhibition Memories Facebook page. In the beginning it was a little overwhelming and when I took on my personal Facebook page and the group page CLE memories, it has become almost a daily task to keep things up.
I also receive many photos, news clippings and ideas locally and from former residents of Fort William and Port Arthur/Thunder Bay, and I sometimes have difficulty keeping it all in some order. I plan to carry on as long as I can, and my hopes are that by preserving our history this way, it will continue on long after I cannot. I get letters from as far away as New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Los Angeles California, and eastern and western Canada, saying how much they like the blog. Some people think it's only about cars and racing but as most of you know, it is a mixture of local history and racing. On the Internet the blog comes up as Hotrods and Jalopies, but on the home page I added a few words to remind people that it's also about local history, therefore reading "The Hotrods and Jalopies Generation" which covers it all.
Many thanks also to Gary Spence and Richard Mark for continuing with the local history on Facebook in their own special way. We also exchange photos and information continually.
Many thanks to all the contributors of photos, stories and memories. Also many thanks to my friend Al Yahn for being my proof reader for 10 years, and to my family for their patience.
Today I am posting 25 of my favourite then and now city history racing in this bunch. Some of the "now" ones have become "then's" already...that's how fast our history progresses. I am not adding any writing to them or hints as to what and where they are. See if you can remember.
In addition I am adding one personal favourite of myself(sorry for that) which will start off the posts. sure to click on each and every one for a full screen enlargement, then come back.