Here are some skeletons left over from Mosquito Speedway, the last kick at the cat for dirt track racing here in Thunder Bay, Ontario(taken about 2 years ago). Mosquito Speedway was about 18 miles west of Thunder Bay, Ontario near Old Silver Mountain Road, and near Nolalu, Ont. They Raced Wissota Modifieds, Street Stocks and Super Stocks there on a 1/4 mile clay track. There have been many individuals and organizations trying to rejuvenate dirt racing here ever since the track closed a few years ago, but to no avail. The high cost of insurance, the economy, and a dwindling fan base are some of the reasons why there is little support here for the return of dirt track racing. It is very sad to think that a city with near 100,000 population cannot support a great sport such as this. Many towns and cities in Canada and the USA that are much smaller than Thunder Bay have race tracks that are located right in their city center somewhat like we used to have when the CLE track existed. We could go on and on about the whys and wherefores but it would be like banging our head against a brick wall here. Mosquito Speedway was the only track that I had the chance to try my restored Vintage Modified, and it closed only weeks after. The very last photo is taken from behind the old bleechers. Click on pictures to enlarge.
it makes me sad to even think about us losing the track, i was a racer at the track and i miss it every year that goes by. the funny thing is that there are still people from t bay that will drive all over the states to go race and watch dirt track racing to this day, i know that if we could find the spoinsorship and get the right people involved that a track would do very well in thunder bay. i hope it does happen for us again one day, i know i would jump back in a car with no second thought, so would a lot of people
Good Comment...Thanks
It's 2014 and I am one of the people who travel all over the states and I love watchin the races. The adrenalin is crazy. I would absolutely love for the track to reopen up here.That would mean going out of town would be a bonus lol. My good friend Gary Solderholm whom passed away tragically was very involved passionately with the races and help out his great friend Riley Matthews whom races all over the states today. Would love for the right people to do what they need to do to reopen up the track again.
There's 2 days of racing on a trial basis at Mosquito this weekend Sept 13 and 14....hope it goes well!
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