Great friend and confidant Ron Clark proudly sits behind the wheel of his 1946 Chevy which he has owned for quite a few years now. With a few modifications his wonderful wife Patti is able to drive it now and Ron does all the navigating. Keep your pedal off the metal Patti..LOL
Ron as you know if you read further down the blog is Big Daddy Hot Rod. Ron and Patti are Dad and Mom to Eljer Hot Rod(Steve Clark) band leader of the incredible local 50's tribute band The Sensational Hot Rods.
I had the privilege to co-manage the band with Ron for their first 3 1/2 years on the circuit. Ron continued to do the honour until this year.
My wife Rosemary and I have shared many great times over the last 10 years with Ron, Patti and their cute dog(Shih Tzu...gotta be careful how you spell that one) Maggie. We have great respect for Ron and Patti....and together will always enjoy the great sounds of The Sensational Hot Rods and many more memorable times together.
David.... you and Rosemary are an inspiration to all who know you! Your love of life shows in the expressions on your faces when you talk of your adventures. You Davie... in your imagination with design in your remodelling of old cars, are definately an "old spirit" because it's almost like you have lived the era of the cars you have rebuilt.
Thank you for the memories and the memories that are yet to unfold with lots of miles to travel down the road. Love Patti and Ron (Big Daddy)
Hi Dave & Rosey
Man Dave you never cease to amaze me , knowing you all these years you always come up with Kickin idea's , I've plagiarized a few of them myself.LOL
Your friend
Steve "Eljer Hot Rod"
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