Mister "C" at the mike....................... Hugh's Deuce 2-door .......Wally's Bumper

Wally's Buick .....................................Tony's Flames..............Tony's Pickemup

Rick's MSRA nomination 2009.. Randy's "Dad's '48 Monarch" ...How Low can you go.
Larry's '36 ...............................Jerry's Poncho......................Jamie's Chebby Pickup

Greg's Rattilac......................Patrick's long rat ...........Glen's Rat baby "T" pickup

Greg's Rattilac......................Patrick's long rat ...........Glen's Rat baby "T" pickup

Glen & Penny's grandson..................Dennis' very cool Rat front.............and back!

Bob's vintage "A" Pickup. Brians car is very 1950's..check the interior(take out the GPS Brian)

Bob's vintage "A" Pickup. Brians car is very 1950's..check the interior(take out the GPS Brian)

Andy's Caddy ........................I was there too in the weeds!!!
You can see my good friend Clarence Merko and his beautiful '57 T-bird with the mike in his hand. Mister "C" as we call him is totally at home with a microphone. He mc'd a great show for the Agriplex today. It was a beautiful sunny fall day at about 80 degrees(I still speak fahrenheit), and there was about 100 cars of all types in attendance, from vintage to rods to muscle. Organized by Barry Dejardine for the Agriplex, it was dubbed "The Car Show and Speed Challenge", as there were a number of horse events to top off the day showing true "Horsepower". Many great food and other vendors were also there. Thanks to all the volunteers that gave their time to have a great event, which I believe will be bigger and better each year. I don't usually cover shows and rod runs here but this will probably be about the last event of the season. Thanks for looking....and sorry Barry, I didn't have a photo of your car... Dave
Click on pictures to enlarge.
Thank you everyone for participating! You helped make this event big! The Thunder Bay public loves your cars and all the hard work that is put into them. It was such a great success that we are inviting all and everyone to participate in our Car Show at the Agriplex Country Fair on June 19, 2010 and also back again at the Agriplex Car Show and Speed Challenge Sept. 18, 2010. Both will be on the third Saturday on the June and Sept. It will be advertized in the Bell Phone Book (front and back cover.) Also in the news paper and flyers that go all around town. Of course WORD OF MOUTH is the best. You car people can really talk it up. Please get in touch with Barry Desjardine or email me at bepositive@live.com. Again THANK YOU ALL VERY, VERY MUCH! What a joy you car people are. A Special Thank you to Clarence Merko and Barry Desjardine! You guys are great!
Best of the Holidays and see you next year. Cheers Joyce Tinsley
P.S. I have a picture of Barry Car and others. Check it out on Face Book.
Thanks Joyce...am glad to publish this information, however quite a few guys go to the "Back to the 50's" show in St. Paul on the June weekend you mentioned, so many won't be able to come to the Country Fair on the 19th, myself included but we will definitely be there in the fall. Dave
This was a great show get me some flyers to hand out at my Thursday Nite Cruise Nite for the 2010 event. Thanks.
Patrick, Call Barry Dejardine at 577-8632. I believe he is on the board of directors. I only have one copy for the 2010 show that I got from Barry to scan for my blog. Thanks D
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