As time goes by, ....every family makes a Christmas Story of their own, however this film(one of my favourite Christmas Films) takes care of all the nostalgia a guy of my age can muster. Below are just a couple of typical contrasts from the film to our daily lives.

On the left is Randy, the younger brother of the main character Ralphie in his full melton snowsuit, and to the right is yours truly in front of my grandmother's house on Heron Street in my full Melton snowsuit(forgot the scarf and mitts inside).

"Don't Shoot your eye out"...was one of the most important lines from the movie when Ralphie actually got his Daisy Red Ryder Carbine for Christmas. Here is a fair copy of an original advertisement where you could actually order your Red Ryder rifle for $2.50. The one on the right is a reproduction tin sign that you could purchase today.

Well I didn't shoot my eye out(just lucky, I guess), but here is my Daisy Red Ryder Carbine BB gun, pistol and RR story book, kept for many years(you can probably guess how many...) It was lost in the oblivion until "A Christmas Story" came out but now it is on display every Christmas at our home.....I guess I'm just an old nostalgic fool..LOL
Thanks for looking and as usual click on all photos to enlarge. Hey Corey(that's my kid brother)...bet you didn't remember that I still had it.....
That is one pretty cool Red Ryder set. What was the name of Red Ryder's horse? This Christmas nostalgia is top-notch. Keep up the good work!!
Red Ryder's horse's name was "Thunder".... RR's side kick was "Little Beaver" and Little Beaver's horse's name was "Papoose". Thanks for the comment Bro...
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