These three black and white photos show the Lake Superior Regiment leaving Port Arthur(now Thunder Bay) Ontario on Oct. 10, 1940 from the Canadian Pacific Railway station on Water Street.

The Canadian Pacific Railway station was on the west side of the tracks and long gone by the 1970's. It is shown on the far left of the first photo. In the second photo here, the Mariaggi(Marina Inn) can be seen in the distance on the right of the photo. All the people here would be standing right in the middle of the Water Street thoroughfare today.

The left photo shows a calmer day at the CP station in about the same era. The photo on the right shows the same station(the very long narrow building along the tracks and water front). You can imagine how much fill was added to the marina area to build marina park as it is today. The Canadian National Railway station building that still exists today is at the far left of the downtown Port Arthur photo and the luggage depot(I believe that's what it is called) can still be seen today. It was used for many years for displaying local art. It is the small building at the bottom left, and today it is right beside the blue bridge where you can walk over Water Street. Hope that's not too confusing. Try to pick out buildings in the city photo that are still here today.
Remembrance Day...a time to reflect and to honour the sacrifices others have made for our country, and yours!
Click on pictures to enlarge.
1 comment:
Thank you very much Dave for sharing the wonderful pics , your awesome man.
Your friend
Eljer Hot Rod
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