Ogilvie Elevator...Well known in Fort William(now Thunder Bay) for decades. Their original elevator slipped into the Kam River in the spring of 1906 shortly after it was built. This one was reconstructed in 1908 and has stood the test of time. Ogilvie sold it to a private concern in 1959. The photo on the left was taken in 1939(Check the old car, wooden boxcars and streetcar tracks on Syndicate Ave). The photo on the right taken this summer shows the now closed elevator and businesses that have filled in the property since. Thanks Brian for the old photo!

The Paradise Motel photo on the left was taken in the early 1960's showing Arthur Street without curbing or divided lanes of traffic like today. The photo on the right is the same main building with a second storey added and is now the corporate offices for Boston Pizza. Boston Pizza is to the right just out of the photo. The similarities are mainly the window layout on the main floor. If you want to check this old site out, it is at 217 W. Arthur Street in Thunder Bay, formerly Fort William, Ontario. Thanks for looking and click on photos to enlarge.
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