"Oooh, oooh", this first picture is a bit tongue in cheek but the real Car #54 is next in this post. The TV show "Car 54" if you remember, with these two clowns was in the late 50's and started not too long after the local favourite #54 driven by Wally
Prokosh and Sammy
Myronuk came to the fairgrounds track. Thanks to Jack Rea, lifelong friend of Charlie Miller(you can read a bit about Charlie an an earlier post) we are all able to enjoy these great photos of Car #54.

Dirt flying in the #2 corner (The gate corner) at the CLE track!

These two photos of the Model "A" were taken on the
Abitibi Mill grounds, and the cars in the background in the parking lot defines the era when they were taken.
The back of this picture reads - 1954 Mercury 256 cu. in. #10 Pappy Fowler and the #54 Wally
Prokosh car were the first overhead valve V8 motors used at the Exhibition track in 1954.
The back of this picture reads - Won track championship in 1955 with a 292 Ford Engine...300 cu. in. was the limit then.
The back of this group picture reads -
Abitibi employees stock car(this is the second car - first was a model "A" Ford driven by Wally
Abitibi had these cars between 1954 and 1956. The '34 Ford won the championship in 1955 at the Fort William fairgrounds track with Sammy Myronuk behind the wheel. Only 2 cars were built. The first(model "A") had an overhead valve mercury motor(same as Pappy Fowler) in 1954 - 255 cu. in. Wally blew it up in 1955 and was replaced with a 292 cu. in. Mercury motor. Sam
Myronuk occasionally drove the car and S
am is pictured to the right.
Left to right in this group photo is: Mill Manager Jerry Carey, Al
Cruickshank, Art Gray, Dick
Bamford, and Casey
McCallum and Sammy Myronuk.
Abitibi Mill Manager Jerry Carey....

These last two photos were taken at the CLE racetrack in about 1955. The last photo on the right shows them lining up for time trials. Car #54 is last,then further up you can see the Barry Kettering #47 car and ahead of him the #87 Tony Massaro car.
Thanks again to Jack Rea for loaning us the photos.....Dave ...Click on to enlarge
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